Tucson Realty & Trust Co. held its’ annual Commercial Real Estate Market Review and 2015 Forecast on Thursday, January 29th. The panel of commercial real estate professionals gave a brief but complete commercial real estate market review of 2014 and discussed what is expected for 2015. The panel included Terry Lavery, CCIM, CPM, GRI, presenting the commercial real estate investment market report. The Office Overview was given by the TRT Office Team which includes Mike Gross, Doug Richardson and Tari Auletta, CCIM. Chuck Blacher presented the Industrial Market Report. The Retail Market Report was given by Pat Darcy and the Land Overview was presented by Bob Solfisburg. The event was held at the Tucson Country Club in Tucson, Arizona. Check back for detailed market reports from our panel in the next few days.
Tucson Retail News | Commercial Real Estate
Frank Arrotta of Tucson Realty & Trust Co. gives the latest in Tucson retail news. According to a recent Newsbreak Tucson article Restaurant owners here